
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes  (ホーキング、宇宙を語る : ビッグバンからブラックホールまで)

『ホーキング、宇宙を語る : ビッグバンからブラックホールまで』/スティーブン・ホーキンズ 著/早川書房

【私の一冊】Kenneth Wong(ケネス ワン)/東京大学カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構(IPMU) 特任研究員

『A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes 』/Stephen William Hawking/Bantam Dell Publishing Group

『ホーキング、宇宙を語る : ビッグバンからブラックホールまで』/スティーブン・ホーキンズ 著/早川書房

I first read this book when I was a junior high school student. I had always been interested in astronomy and physics, and had heard that this book presented a good understanding of our current knowledge of the Universe. Even though the book discusses complicated concepts related to space and time, it presents these concepts in a way that is understandable, even to someone with no prior knowledge of the subject. It not only explains the physics of the Universe in a clear and concise manner, but it also explains how we came to discover and know these things through observation and experiment. This book completely changed the way I viewed our Universe and gave me a great deal of admiration and respect for the scientific method. Although I didn’t know it at the time, reading this book was probably one of the most influential moments in my life that led me to become a scientist.

